The Marriage and FamilyĀ Blog
The biggest lie ever taught is, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." I think it's fair to say we have all proved this little saying false.
Words can be used to...
It seems that commitment is something that is less and less important in our society. As a teacher, I have watched commitment to activities and even to each other digress. The “selfie”...
Do you ever wish you had a manual for a healthy marriage or, better yet, one for each of your children? Yes, wonderful books are out there, and we should educate ourselves from those who have gone...
As I am writing this, my husband and I are driving back from dropping our second child off at college. (Update: We now have two kids married, and the "baby" will be married in June) If you...
As a teacher, the Valentine festivities were rampant yesterday. To add to these festivities, I played a singing bee game with my music students using well known love themed songs. One of the songs...
Do you remember how you felt in school when there was a test, but the teacher added that it was an open book test? The feeling of relief would overcome the terror of the test itself. Better...
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